Employment and Retention
The Employment and Retention Dashboard is a series of data visualization for individual EPPs that features the locations, roles, and teaching areas in which certified candidates were employed and retained in Texas LEAs over time and, depending on your role, the individual details about those certified candidates and their placements.
Educator Employment
The Educator Employment page details counts of employed candidates by LEA for your EPP and includes counts of certified candidates employed by certification year, and change in employment role, location, or subject.
Educator Retention
The Educator Retention page details teacher retention rates for your EPP by certification type and first employed year. An additional visualization shows employment role changes by employment year.
Employment Details
The Employment Details page provides your EPP with counts of candidate certifications awarded by subject area. It also details the geographic setting of employment campuses and changes in position by certification year.
Educator Details
The Educator Details page provides your EPP with candidate specific information about candidate demographics, certification, employing LEA and campus, and teaching assignment.
Employment and Retention Protocol
This step-by-step guide will help your EPP to effectively frame and analyze your candidate data, describe the data trends observed, and plan your continuous improvement using candidates’ teaching roles, certifications, and location of employment.