Clinical Experience
The Clinical Experience Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for individual EPPs that feature the demographics and location of LEAs where candidates are placed, counts of candidates in each placement, and counts of candidates by placement type and certification route.
Clinical Experience Summary
The Summary page details the location of LEAs and counts of placed candidates for your EPP by placement location. This page also includes information on the placement type, certification role, and certification route.
Placement Details
The Placement Details page provides your EPP with LEA-specific demographics information, including the number of candidates placed and student demographics.
Candidate Details
The Candidate Details page provides your EPP with candidate specific information about candidate demographics, admission cohort, placement year and type, LEA TAPR reports, and site supervisor names.
Clinical Experience Protocol
This step by step guide will help your EPP to effectively frame and analyze your candidate data, describe the data trends observed, and plan your continuous improvement using candidates’ placement details including the LEA location, demographics, and placement type.