Initial Employment

The Initial Employment Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for an individual EPP that summarizes characteristics about a professional candidate’s initial employment placement, depicts the pipeline of certification and employment, and, depending on your role, the initial employment details of each individual candidate at your EPP.

Candidate Employment

The Candidate Employment page details the number of professional candidates certified and employed in their certification area for your EPP and includes LEA placement details and professional candidate demographics.

Certifications and Employment

The Certification and Employment page provides details on the pipeline of professional candidates across LEA-employment status, employed grade levels, and employed roles.

Candidate Details

The Candidate Details page provides your EPP with candidate specific information about candidate demographics, certification, employing LEA and campus, and employment role during their initial employment in their certification area.

Initial Employment Protocol (coming soon)

This step by step guide will help your EPP to effectively frame and analyze your candidate data, describe the data trends observed, and plan your continuous improvement using candidates’ initial employment data.