Candidate Characteristics
The Candidate Characteristics Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for an individual EPP that features characteristics of candidates by program status, completion rates for enrolled candidates over time, certification rates for enrolled candidates over time, and, depending on your role, individual details of candidates’ enrollment, completion, and certification.
Candidate Summary
The Candidate Summary page details counts of candidates in an admission cohort or academic year for your EPP by status: admitted, enrolled, completed, and certified. It also provides counts by program, race/ethnicity, and gender.
The Completion page details candidate completion rates by race/ethnicity for your EPP at different time points: Within 1 year, Within 2 years, Within 3 years, or At Any Time. A side-by-side visualization reflects state level completion rates for comparison.
The Certification page details candidate certification rates by race/ethnicity for your EPP at different time points: Within 1 year, Within 2 years, Within 3 years, or At Any Time. A side-by-side visualization reflects state level completion rates for comparison.
Candidate Details
The Candidate Details page provides your EPP with candidate specific information about candidate demographics and enrollment, completion, and certification status.
Candidate Characteristics Protocol
This step-by-step guide will help your EPP to effectively frame and analyze your candidate data, describe the data trends observed, and plan your continuous improvement using candidates’ completion and certification data.