Perception Surveys
The Perception Surveys Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for individual EPPs that features new teacher and principal perceptions about preparedness related to six constructs (e.g., Planning, Instruction, Learning Environment, Professional Practices and Responsibilities, Students with Disabilities, and English Language Learners). These perceptions can be seen as a summary, by construct, by question, and, depending on your role, by candidate.
New Teacher Perceptions Summary
The New Teacher Perceptions Summary page details your EPPs new teacher perception survey responses by admission cohort or academic year and includes perceptions by race/ethnicity, grade level, gender, and certification route.
New Teacher Perceptions by Construct
The New Teacher Perceptions by Construct page details your EPPs new teacher perception survey responses by admission cohort or academic year. Constructs for teacher preparation are related to planning, instruction, ability to build a positive learning environment, professional practices and responsibilities, preparation to teach students with disabilities, and preparation to English language learners.
New Teacher Perceptions by Question
The New Teacher Perceptions by Question page details your EPPs new teacher perception survey responses by specific survey question for admission cohort or academic year.
Principal Perceptions Summary
The Principal Perceptions Summary page details principal perception survey responses for new teachers from your EPP by admission cohort or academic year and includes perceptions by race/ethnicity, grade level, gender, and certification route.
Principal Perceptions by Construct
The Principal Perceptions by Construct Page details principal perception survey responses for new teachers from your EPP by admission cohort or academic year. Constructs for teacher preparation are related to planning, instruction, ability to build a positive learning environment, professional practices and responsibilities, preparation to teach students with disabilities, and preparation to English language learners.
Principal Perceptions by Question
The Principal Perceptions by Question page details principal perception survey responses for new teachers from your EPP by specific survey question for admission cohort or academic year.
New Teacher Perceptions by Candidate
Provides your EPP with candidate specific information about candidate demographics, certification area, and new teacher perception survey responses.
Principal Perceptions by Candidate
The Principal Perceptions by Candidate page provides your EPP with candidate specific information about candidate demographics, certification area, and principal perception survey responses.
Perception Surveys Protocol
This step by step guide will help your EPP to effectively frame and analyze your candidate data, describe the data trends observed, and plan your continuous improvement using candidate and principal perception survey results categorized by question and construct.