Average Student Growth by Candidate Year of Teaching
The By Candidate Year of Teaching page details finisher year or academic year average student growth scores by candidate year of teaching for your EPP in mathematics, English/Reading, and overall.
Navigate to the Average Student Growth By Candidate Year of Teaching
Select the “Average Student Growth By Candidate Year of Teaching” page from the menu. On this page, you will be able to filter information by Year, Certification Area Grade Level, Certification Route, Gender, Race, and Year of Teaching.
Select Finisher Year to display the data by the year in which the teacher candidates finished their program. Select Academic Year to display the data by the academic year that the Student Growth score was evaluated.
View the Average Student Growth by Candidate Year of Teaching
The visual is titled, “Average Student Growth by Candidate Year of Teaching” The graphs indicate the average student growth by candidate year of teaching for Overall, Mathematics, and English/Reading from your EPP for year 1, 2, or 3. This view will change based on your selected filters and selection of Finisher Year or Academic Year.