Professional Roles Resources

Initial Employment

The Initial Employment Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for an individual EPP that summarizes characteristics about a professional candidate’s initial employment placement, depicts the pipeline of certification and employment, and, depending on your role, the initial employment details of each individual candidate at your EPP.

Employment and Retention

The Employment and Retention Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for individual EPPs that features the locations and roles in which certified candidates were employed and retained in Texas LEAs over time and, depending on your role, the individual details about those certified candidates and their placements.

Candidate Characteristics

The Candidate Characteristics Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for an individual EPP that features characteristics of candidates by program status, completion rates for enrolled candidates over time, certification rates for enrolled candidates over time, and, depending on your role, individual details of candidates’ enrollment, completion, and certification.

Exam Pass Rates

The Exam Pass Rates Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for individual EPPs that features candidate characteristics along with the attempts and pass rates for exams. Depending on your role, the dashboard also includes individual details about each candidate exam attempt.

Clinical Experience

The Clinical Experience Dashboard is a series of data visualizations for individual EPPs that feature the demographics and location of LEAs where candidates are placed, counts of candidates in each placement, and counts of candidates by placement type and certification route.